Thursday, October 18, 2007

Words of wisdom...

Last night on my ride home I had this pretty annoying car driving in front of me at a blistering 20 Km/h, breaking for no reason, indicator to the left followed by a swift turn to the right,...
Anyway, yours truly was getting pretty wound up to say the least. What does an angry pt3r do? He starts muttering; come on you muppet, keep driving, some of have more important things to do an blablabla... I'm sure you get the picture.
All of a sudden I had this religious experience; a voice coming from my left shoulder said with a heavy Dutch accent; "Don't bother, he can't hear you."
No there was no shiny winged dude with a dress on sitting on my shoulder. Instead some older stringy guy on a battered touring bike materialized on my left and took over. He kept pedaling like the devil was on his tail, his bike creaking and squeaking under all the punishment.
Needless to say that I forgot all about the muppet in the car and had pleasant yet muddy ride home.

This morning I slow down at the pedestrian crossing to let some older man cross the street, but he smiles, gives me thumbs up and waves me through.

No better way to start the day.

The song I've been humming all morning: Drink the Elixir by Salad.

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